Sunday, October 13, 2013

Bloof at Berl's!

We're planning a little celebration & reading at Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop! Here are the details. Hope to see you there.

Jackie Clark • Shanna Compton • Natalie Eilbert 
Ben Fama • Becca Klaver • Jennifer L. Knox 
Jennifer Tamayo • Jared White 

Wednesday, October 23 at 7:00 PM
Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop 
126A Front Street

Jackie Clark is the series editor of Poets off Poetry and Song of the Week for Coldfront Magazine. She is the recipient of a 2012 New Jersey State Council on the Arts Fellowship in Poetry, a contributing writer for the Rumpus, and is the author of Aphoria (Brooklyn Arts Press) and four chapbooks: Office Work (Greying Ghost Press), Red Fortress (H_NGM_N), I Live Here Now (Lame House Press), and Sympathetic Nervous System (Bloof, 2014). Jackie lives in Jersey City and can be found online at

Shanna Compton's books include Brink (Bloof 2013), For Girls & Others (Bloof 2007), Down Spooky (Winnow, 2005), Gamers (Soft Skull 2003) and several chapbooks. A book-length speculative poem called The Seam is forthcoming next year. 

Natalie Eilbert's poetry can be found or is forthcoming from Tin House, West Branch, Guernica, Spinning Jenny, Devil's Lake, Colorado Review, Sixth Finch, and elsewhere. She lives writes in Greenpoint, New York, where she is a founding editor of The Atlas Review. Her chapbook Conversation with the Stone Wife is forthcoming from Bloof in 2014.

Ben Fama is the author of New Waves, Aquarius Rising and the artist book Mall Witch. He is the co-editor of Wonder. His work appears in the Brooklyn Rail, Action Yes, jubilat, Notnostrums, LIT, Poor Claudia, Denver Quarterly, Maggy and on the Best American Poetry blog. Bloof will release his chapbook Odalisque in 2014.

Becca Klaver is the author of the poetry collection LA Liminal (Kore Press, 2010) and several chapbooks, including Nonstop Pop (Bloof 2013) and Merrily Merrily (Lame House 2013). She is a PhD student in English at Rutgers University and lives in Brooklyn, NY. For more information, visit her blog Pomo Expo.

Jennifer L. Knox's new book of poems, The Mystery of the Hidden Driveway, is available from Bloof Books. Her other books, Drunk by Noon and A Gringo Like Me, are also available through Bloof. Jennifer was born in Lancaster, California—home to Frank Zappa, Captain Beefheart, and the Space Shuttle. She received her B.A. from the University of Iowa, and her M.F.A. in poetry writing from New York University. She has taught poetry writing at Hunter College and New York University. Her poems have appeared four times in the Best American Poetry series (1997, 2003, 2006, and 2011) as well as the anthologies Great American Prose Poems, From Poe to Present and Best American Erotic Poems. Her work has also appeared in publications such as the New Yorker, American Poetry Review, Fence, McSweeney's, and Bomb. She is currently at work on her first novel.

Jennifer Tamayo is a writer and performer. She is the author of Red Missed Aches Read Missed Aches Red Mistakes Read Mistakes (Switchback 2011), the chapbook Poems Are the Only Real Bodies (Bloof 2013), and You Da One (Coconut, forthcoming). JT serves as the Managing Editor at Futurepoem. She lives in Harlem. More on JT can be found at

Jared White's chapbooks include This Is What It Is Like to Be Loved by Me (Bloof 2013), Yellowcake (Cannibal, 2009), and My Former Politics (H_NGM_N 2013). With Farrah Field, he is co-owner of a small press bookstore, Berl's Brooklyn Poetry Shop, and parent of a baby, Roman Field White.

RSVP at Facebook.

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