Yes, this is a cake decorated to look like PPP by Peter Davis. How cool is that?
Reb Livingston at We Who Are About to Die:
Last month at the AWP conference in Denver, I had the pleasure of hearing Peter Davis read at two off-site events. One thing was confirmed: drunks love Peter Davis’ poems. This is not an admission of my own looped state. I’m somebody’s mother. Perhaps the drunken connect to Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! (Bloof Books) has to do with its exhilarated title and excessively self-conscious poems. These poems really want you to like them. They beg for love.
Adam Robinson at HTMLGIANT:
Peter Davis’s new collection, Poetry! Poetry! Poetry!, is just asking to be reviewed. Literally. The poems, each one an address, are not poems so much as they are statements of what the poem is saying, and what they are saying in many cases is: I’d love it if you would write about this poem at your blog or in a review at a very good journal. Davis wants to get a tenure-line job as badly as he wants the reader to like the work. I thought at the beginning that the gag would become tiresome as the poems went along, but on the contrary — the more I read, the deeper the spread and in spite of their homeliness, the book becomes a really beautiful thing. The way this book works will take a long time to figure out.
Joshua Corey on his blog, Cahiers de Corey:
Bloof's latest, Peter Davis' Poetry! Poetry! Poetry! [...] made me laugh out loud. They're prose poems that are kind of like the voice-overs to other poems.
Sean Lovelace, who also posts a video of Pete reading:
I’ve seen him read these before and it kills. The delivery, the subject, the meta. I don’t find that many poems truly funny, as in layered funny. Davis does that. Get the fucking book is what I’m saying. It is and is not poetry. That’s the thing to me. It is wonderful. It is odd.
Direct link to the YouTube thingy.
But where oh where can you get one (with a 100% totally straight spine)? We just happen to know a place.
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