Tuesday, October 30, 2007
Her big German bra*...
Photographic evidence here.
*Disclaimer: "My Big German Bra" actually appears in A Gringo Like Me, not the new book.
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Pics from Buffalo...

Rocking beetle podium at Rust Belt
Originally uploaded by abelz

Jennifer L. Knox reading from Drunk by Noon
Originally uploaded by Michael_Kelleher

Jennifer & Shanna signing books
Originally uploaded by abelz

Kevin Thurston & Aaron Belz at Founding Fathers
Originally uploaded by abelz

Aaron Lowinger & Becky at Founding Fathers
Originally uploaded by Michael_Kelleher

Shanna, Aaron & Jennifer at Founding Fathers
Originally uploaded by Michael_Kelleher
Monday, October 22, 2007
Now available in the Bloof store: For Girls (& Others)

For Girls (& Others)
by Shanna Compton
November 2007
Trade Paper Original
ISBN: 978-0-6151-6697-1
80 pp. | $15.00
more info
Grand opening special! For a limited time, get For Girls & Drunk by Noon for the reduced price of 2 for $25 (plus shipping). Details on the main store page.
Bookstores, libraries, and folks who prefer Amazon et al. should be able to order Drunk by Noon any day now. For Girls should be in the system by the end of November.
Thursday, October 18, 2007
"The Invisible Stuff"

Aaron Lowinger warms up Buffalo for our upcoming reading and takes a look at Drunk by Noon, For Girls & Aaron Belz's The Bird Hoverer in ArtVoice:
"[...] Knox has the uncanny ability to make you laugh and then make you feel weird about what you just laughed at. The reason for this being, of course, that the subject matter is actually germane to something important. The entertainment value in Knox’s work is balanced by the intelligence and ingenuity of her verse."
"[Belz's] poems have the remarkable ability to turn the mind in multiple directions, line by line. The subsequent dizziness approximates euphoria rather than chaos, as Belz’s energetic verse charges on to the next line, the next take, the next punch, the growing mystery masked by layers of representation. [...] Belz here is throwing the party; times are weird, God is a mummy, so let’s dance!"
"The text of the poems [in For Girls], culled from a variety of other sources as well, presents an unceasing attack on female humanity for the sake of perceived femininity (“never let them see you perspire”). The prevailing and unabashed objectification of women should not come as a surprise in a text that predates universal suffrage, however Compton makes her point inside the many surviving prejudices. When Britney Spears shearing her golden locks is followed with such intense public zeal, surely the unwritten gender rules continue to be heeded. Using this critique as her context, Compton delivers the unexpected other side of the coin, reaching beyond the politics on the surface and delivering delicately crafted and amusing poems."
Read the rest. (Thanks, Aaron!)
Monday, October 15, 2007
A Pafunda a day...

For additional insight into Danielle's luxe grotesquerie, she points helpfully to this essay in Action, Yes.
Didi Menedez also recently interviewed Danielle for Women of the Web.
Sunday, October 14, 2007
A Bloof Books celebration at Earshot!

Join us for the next installment of EARSHOT at The Lucky Cat, located in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. EARSHOT is a bi-monthly reading series, dedicated to featuring new and emerging literary talent in the NYC area.
Friday, October 26th, 2007 at 8 PM
Hosted by Nicole Steinberg
Jennifer L. Knox (author of Drunk by Noon and A Gringo Like Me)
Shanna Compton (author of For Girls and Down Spooky)
John Reid Currie (Queens College)
Seamus Scanlon (City College)
Olivia Kate Cerrone (New York University)
Admission is a mere $5 plus one free drink (beer, wine or well drinks only)!
The Lucky Cat
245 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY
(between Driggs and Roebling)
For more information on Earshot or e-mail Nicole Steinberg at earshotnyc [at] gmail [dot] com.
Monday, October 8, 2007
The Bloof store is open

Available now from Bloof Books:
Drunk by Noon by Jennifer L. Knox (Nov.)
A Gringo Like Me by Jennifer L. Knox (Nov.)
Or both books for $25 plus shipping. A grand opening special!
Coming soon from Bloof Books:
For Girls by Shanna Compton (Nov.)
My Zorba by Danielle Pafunda (Apr.)
Sunday, October 7, 2007
Bloof Books fall reading schedule
Now that the books are on the truck, we can get totally excited about Jennifer L. Knox's Drunk by Noon launch party, planned for November 10 at Stain Bar in Brooklyn.
Check the events page for details! (If you'd like to book a Bloof reading, please get in touch.)