Thursday, December 6, 2007

Tomorrow night in Brooklyn!

& now a message from the sea horses whinnying in our mailbags:*

Hi everybody! I'm doing a little reading tomorrow
for an awesome new magazine called
The Agricultural Reader at Stain Bar
with Jared Hohl and Mary Jo Bang

You remember Stain Bar? aptly named for
all the beers one spills on oneself
when one's there having one. Or four.

Will I see you there? Gosh I hope so.
I'm reading first so I'll have plenty of time
to chat with you!

Friday, December 7, 7:30
For the Agriculture Reader
with Jared Hohl and Mary Jo Bang

Plus a music/theater performance of
"A Kind of Madness" by Aaron Petrovich
and Chris Forsyth.

Stain Bar
766 Grand Street, Brooklyn
L train to Grand Street, 1 block west

Jen will have copies of both of her books on hand for your holiday shopping pleasure. (Give the gift of laughter, yo.)

*The ever-popular poem "And Now a Message from the Sea Horses Whinnying in Our Mailbag" is available in A Gringo Like Me.

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